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Prototyping Boards
General Purpose Breadboards
Adapter Boards
.100" Grid / Connected Pads
#PC453030 / 3.0" x 3.0" Pads connected in sets of 3
#PC452020 / 2.0" x 2.0" Pads connected in sets of 3
#PC451010 / 1.0" x 1.0" Pads connected in sets of 3
.100" Grid / No Connected Pads
#PC406090 6.0"x 9.0" General Purpose
#PC402030 2.0"x3.0" General Purpose
#PC404060 4.0"x 6,0" General Purpose
.100" Grid / Pwr and Rtn / Earth Ground / Connected Pads
#PCPG47-1OZ-2030 / 2.0" x 3.0" / Pads connected in sets of 4 / Power and Ground
#PCPG472535 / 2.5" x 3.5" / Pads connected in rows of 5 / Power and Ground
#PCPG476090 / 6.0" x 9.0" / Pads connected in rows of 5 w/ Power and Ground